

Ledger Live is our own software allowing you to set up your device and manage your crypto assets.
Open the app and follow the instructions on the screen to set up, restore or even back up your new device.

How to use the services of ledger.com/start wallet?

The crypto industry is a vast space to explore, one can learn several things about this industry while gaining experience here. To survive successfully here, you need to have a secure wallet that will cater to your needs and provide security. The crypto market is filled with both good and bad things you need to identify the right things for you. As long as you do not fall right into the trap of scammers laid out for you, it’s all good. But your one mistake can make you fall right into their trap and as an outcome, you will not be able to use your funds ever again.
As your advisor, we will say that it is a risky road to go and we will try our ultimate best to give you the best. And right now the best choice will be to use the ledger hardware wallet with the ledger.com/start link. So, let us not wait around anymore, and directly start up with the wallet.

Steps for getting the Ledger live app

If you plan to use the ledger wallet, then you cannot do it without the software application of this hardware wallet. Therefore, first, you need to get this Ledger Live application installed on your device, the said device can be either your laptop or mobile. So, let us now get on with the process of installing the application:

  1. Start the given link https://www.ledger.com/start here from your browser.
  2. The screen will now present you with the download button.
  3. Once you click on that button, it will showcase you with ample download options on the screen.
  4. Then from the given list, you will have to select the most appropriate option for the installation.
  5. After the selection, press the download button again.
  6. Now the installation of Ledger Live has begun.

Take a look at the download progress, look at the toolbar of your browser and there you will get to know about the progress made by it. We hope that this article helped you to get the Ledger live app through the Ledger.com/start link.

Setting a Ledger Wallet Account

Once you have the wallet application, the next thing you will require is an account on this hardware wallet. But setting up an account on a hardware wallet is not that simple, especially if you are a new user of the hardware wallet. Therefore, to make it all easy for you, here is the procedure for account setup. Follow the guide we give you here and set up your account with ease. However, before we start with the procedure, you will have to get the software application of this wallet, if you do not have it already. To get the said application use the Ledger.com/start link. After this, let us get on with the procedure of setup:

  1. If you haven’t unpacked this wallet, then do it right now and take up the USB Cable provided with it as well.
  2. Now press the given buttons on the device and wait for the ledger wallet to turn on. Once it is on it will showcase you a welcome message.
  3. Open the application ledger live and get your device connected to the hardware wallet with the received USB Cable.
  4. Now, the application will present you with an option of Connect New Hardware Wallet.
  5. Press on the shown option.
  6. Next it will present you with a list of options of available devices nearby.
  7. From the list, select the name of your hardware wallet.
  8. It will connect both your devices with each other.
  9. The hardware wallet will now prompt you to create a login PIN for your device. Make sure to use a unique pattern of PIN so that people find it difficult to decode it.
  10. Disconnect and reconnect your devices again with the USB Cable.
  11. The screen of the hardware wallet will now present your seed phrase, word by word.
  12. Take out the phrase sheet received and begin to write out the presented seed phrase there.

With this, the ledger.com/start wallet setup will end. Although we know that the procedure might seem a little drastic or way too time-consuming for you. But it is all important when you prioritize your digital assets’ security. Further to learn a bit more about the software wallet application take a glance at this link https://www.ledger.com/ledger-live and you will be directed toward its official webpage.

Protocol for logging in

After going through the wallet setup, here we present you with a login protocol of ledger.com/start. This process is a piece of cake in front of the setup guide of this wallet. If you can handle the setup procedure, then you can handle this procedure as well. But before getting on that procedure, we will talk about ledger device you have. If you would like to change your hardware wallet then take a look at the link here https://shop.ledger.com/pages/ledger-nano-x. Continuing further here is the process of account login:

  1. Connect the devices with a USB Cable.
  2. Open the ledger software wallet application.
  3. Enter the wallet login PIN on the screen.
  4. Now, click on the final login button.

Final Views!

Now, this was the end of the article, our objective behind this article was to provide you with full detailed information about it. The Ledger.com/start application is easy to handle once you get to know about it. However, while learning about the platform you must stay careful because you never what scam you might end up getting into. There might be severe consequences of opening wrong link. And this is the reason we always warn you to check the website address before opening them. Thus, it is important to learn the website addresses.

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